Make 3D Regions

An explanation of fields and properties

Make 3D Regions

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Ultimate Pit | Define Slope Regions...

You can make 3D Slope Regions used by pit optimization and pushback generation from Studio NPVS v3 format 2D Slope Regions and/or separating surfaces. Note that 3D Slope Regions can be made exclusively from 2D Slope Regions, exclusively from separating surfaces, or from a combination of both.

Once generated, a 3D region file becomes available for selection in the Pit Optimization Settings dialog (Slopes tab).

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For large models and numerous 2D regions, the process of making 3D regions may take some time.


Field Details:

Choose 2D Slope Region definition: select a 2D Slope Regions label from the list of available definitions. You must have digitized or imported 2D Slope Regions beforehand.

Choose Separating Surfaces: select an indicator file from the list of available definitions. Separating Surfaces are usually imported into Studio NPVS.

First surface code: specify the code of the first separating surface you wish to use; the default selection is the first surface in the file.

Last surface code: specify the code of the last separating surface you wish to use; the default is the last surface in the file.

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Slope Regions
Indicator Files